I coach and advice leaders who want to strengthen their ability to lead themselves, their team or the business.

I help Management Teams clarify Business Purpose, Strategy and goals, create a strong Company Culture, and develop clear and effective Business Processes.

I deliver teambuilding activities improving collaboration and communication in and between teams.

I deliver services within:

I found my personal platform
One of the things that stands out the most to me is the effect of coaching conversation. The opportunity to speak freely and share my thoughts.
Here I would like to acknowledge Henrik’s ability to build trust, his sharp observations and his ability to challenge and support my actions throughout the process.
I have learned a lot. Personally, I have regained a balance and much greater awareness of my own abilities. I found the biggest realization; to be honest – especially to myself.

I needed a direction in my career, prioritizing the efforts that would strengthen me as a leader.
Throughout the course with Henrik, I had three overall goals:

  • To identify my personal strengths / weaknesses
  • To appear targeted and with high impact
  • Finding my inner values
John Holm, CRM Manager B2C, LB Forsikring A/S

“I’ve improved significantly at working purposefully with tasks, reducing and streamlining my time for administration, and being more aware of prioritizing sleep in everyday life as a means of higher performance.

The goal of coaching was to get better performance in everyday life through an optimized work-life balance. I got competent active sparring with the focus on creating changes in my behavior to achieve a number of goals both in working life and in private life. “

Martin Stenfeldt, Innovationschef, Scion DTU

Our leadership team has needed to develop our individual personal leadership and team to strengthen ourselves, our team and our organization.
We have had great ambitions for our development, cooperation and leadership.
After 15 months of collaboration with Henrik, we have created the platform we needed. We have created a team based on shared values and have the tools needed.
It would not have happened without such a competent, experienced and challenging team coach as Henrik.
I highly recommend Kragelund Consulting in terms of coaching and facilitation – as a team or as an individual.

Esben Terstrup, Senior Director, Global Operations, Site Roskilde, Chr. Hansen A/S

I was really in doubt of who I was as leader and what I wanted from my new career, when I first started my coaching process with Henrik.

Through the conversations and the tools I have been given, I am now crystal clear on my leadership skills and on how to achieve my goals and the goals of the team.
I highly recommend Kragelund Consulting for coaching

Annika Knoesgaard Mogensen, QA Manager, Chr. Hansen

“Henrik is one of the most dedicated, thorough, and customer centric trainers and coaches with whom I have ever collaborated. His facilitation style is very effective and his trainings can be applied directly into daily life.

The training provided for Top and Line Management was directly linked to improving our Leadership skills learning Leadership Based Coaching. We were challenged through real practice sessions with concrete feedback. This has led to better results through more engaged and focused employees.

Natalya Khmeleva, Talent Attraction Manager, Novo Nordisk BACIS